AIIMS INI CET PG Reference Books

Best Books for AIIMS INI CET PG Exam Preparation

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Here is a list of some of the best books for AIIMS INI CET PG exam preparation :

  • AIIMS Essence by Pritesh Singh:
    • This book is highly recommended for AIIMS INI CET PG exam preparation and covers all the essential topics.
  • Review of all recent papers of Central PG Entrance Exam 2019 by Arvind Arora:
    • This book provides a comprehensive review of the previous year's question papers, which can be helpful in understanding the exam pattern and preparing for the INI CET PG exam.
  • Self-Assessment and Review of AIIMS and INI-CET by Arvind Arora:
    • This book offers smart learning tools and review materials designed for the AIIMS INI CET PG exam.
  • Preparation Review of AIIMS (2015-2019) and INI-CET (2020-2022) by Dr. Pritesh Singh:
    • This book provides a comprehensive review of the AIIMS and INI CET exams, covering all the high-yield topics and including color images for solving picture-based questions.
  • Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy:
    • This book is recommended for the Para-Clinical section of the INI CET PG exam and provides in-depth coverage of microbiology topics.
  • Pharmacology for Medical Graduates:
    • This book is useful for the Pharmacology section of the INI CET PG exam and provides a comprehensive understanding of medical pharmacology.
  • Essentials of Medical Physiology:
    • This book covers the essential topics in medical physiology and is recommended for the Physiology section of the INI CET PG exam.

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Here is a list of top-rated books for INI CET PG exam preparation:

  • Review of all recent papers of the Central PG Entrance Exam by Arvind Arora:
    • This book provides a comprehensive review of the previous year's question papers, which can be helpful in understanding the exam pattern and preparing for the INI CET PG exam.
  • How Not to Miss Things?: NEET PG/INI CET:
    • This book offers valuable tips and strategies for effective preparation for the NEET PG and INI CET exams.
  • Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy:
    • This book is recommended for the Para-Clinical section of the INI CET PG exam and provides in-depth coverage of microbiology topics.
  • Pharmacology for Medical Graduates:
    • This book is useful for the Pharmacology section of the INI CET PG exam and provides a comprehensive understanding of medical pharmacology.
  • Essentials of Medical Physiology:
    • This book covers the essential topics in medical physiology and is recommended for the Physiology section of the INI CET PG exam.
  • AIIMS Essence by Pritesh Singh:
    • This book is highly recommended for AIIMS INI CET PG exam preparation and covers all the essential topics.
  • Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Volume 1 and 2 by Amit Ashish Arvind:
    • These books provide a comprehensive review of the postgraduate medical entrance examinations, including the INI CET PG exam.

Click Here to join INI CET PG My Exam Room : Mock Test Please note that the availability and relevance of these books may vary, and it is advisable to check the latest editions and reviews before making a purchase. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with teachers, mentors, and other students for personalized book recommendations and study strategies for the AIIMS INI CET PG exam.


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