UPSC CMS Exam Pattern: Paper-wise Structure and Marking Scheme
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EaseToLearn is providing an exclusive interface for your UPSC Combined Medical Services or UPSC CMS 2024 Examination. Get the latest updated UPSC CMS mock test series, UPSC CMS previous year's question papers, and UPSC CMS Question Bank. Sign up on the Easetolearn-UPSC CMS Course to get the Latest UPSC CMS Exam Pattern 2024.
Easetolearn will give students all the information regarding the UPSC CMSExam Pattern 2024. It will make it easier for students to understand the pattern of the UPSC CMS exam like the total number of questions, marking scheme, sections of the exam, and duration of the UPSC CMS exam.
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Stage of Exam | UPSC CMS 2024 Exam | Marks |
Stage I | Written Exam (Paper-I & Paper-II) | 500 |
Stage II | Interview | 100 |
Total Marks | 600 |
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UPSC CMS 2024 Exam is to be conducted in two parts:-
- Part I consists with written papers – Paper I & Paper II of 250 marks each.
- Paper-I consists of 2 parts - General Medicine & Paediatrics
- Paper-II consists of Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, and Preventive Social & Community Medicine.
- Part II consists of the Personality Test. It carries 100 marks.
UPSC CMS Exam Pattern of Written Test 2024
- Both of the CMS exams will follow the MBBS Standards and Level of Difficulty.
- There will be MCQs with 4 options in both papers.
- The final merit list will weigh both papers equally.
UPSC CMS Exam Pattern of Paper-I 2024
- The Total Number of questions asked are 120 for total marks of 250
- Negative Marking is applicable 1/3rd Mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
- If two or more answers are given by the candidate, it will be considered as the wrong answer and negative marking is applicable even if one of the options is correct.
- There is no negative marking for unanswered questions.
Subject |
No. of Questions |
Total Marks |
Duration of the exam |
General Medicine |
96 |
250 Marks |
2 Hours |
Paediatrics |
24 |
Total |
120 |
UPSC CMS Exam Pattern of Paper-II 2024
- There were 120 total questions, with 40 come from each of the sections listed above. The total number of marks of the examination is 250 marks.
- The Commission has set a 2-hour time limit for UPSC CMS 2024 exam.
- Negative Marking is applicable 1/3rd Mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
- Similar to paper I, if a candidate provides two or more answers, it will be considered incorrect, and negative marking will be applied even if one of the options is correct.
- There is no negative marking for unanswered questions.
Subject |
No. of Questions |
Total Marks |
Duration of the exam |
Surgery |
40 |
250 Marks |
2 Hours |
Gynaecology and obstetrics |
40 |
Preventive and Social Medicine |
40 |
Total |
120 |
UPSC CMS Exam Pattern of Personality Test 2024: Part II
- The candidates who will qualify for the Part I written examination, are eligible for the Part II examination.
- The Part II examination is the Personality Test.
- The Personality/Interview Test will be for 100 marks which will be taken by the UPSC Officials.
FAQs related to UPSC CMS Exam Pattern 2024-
1. What is the UPSC CMS Exam?
· The UPSC CMS Exam, conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), is an entrance exam for recruitment to various medical services under the Government of India.
2. What are the stages of the UPSC CMS Exam?
· The UPSC CMS Exam consists of two stages: a written exam and a personality test (interview).
3. What is the exam pattern for the UPSC CMS written exam?
· The written exam consists of two papers: Paper-I (General Medicine and Pediatrics) and Paper-II (Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics andPreventive & Social Medicine). Each paper carries 250 marks, making a total of 500 marks. Both papers are of 2 hours duration.
4. What is the marking scheme for the UPSC CMS Exam?
· Each question carries 1 mark. There is a negative marking of one-third (0.33) for each wrong answer.
5. Is there a specific syllabus for the UPSC CMS Exam?
· Yes, UPSC provides a detailed syllabus for both Paper-I and Paper-II of the CMS Exam. Candidates should thoroughly go through the syllabus to prepare effectively.
6. Is there any change in the UPSC CMS Exam pattern frequently?
· The UPSC occasionally revises the exam pattern or syllabus. It's advisable for candidates to stay updated with the official notifications released by UPSC.
7. What is the language of the UPSC CMS Exam?
· The UPSC CMS Exam is conducted in English only.
8. Is there any provision for negative marking in the UPSC CMS Exam?
· Yes, there is a provision for negative marking. One-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to a question will be deducted as penalty for each wrong answer.
9. How should I prepare for the UPSC CMS Exam?
· Preparation should be comprehensive and cover all topics mentioned in the syllabus. Referring to standard textbooks, practicing previous years' question papers, and taking mock tests can be beneficial.
10. Is there any sectional cutoff in the UPSC CMS Exam?
· UPSC doesn't officially announce sectional cutoffs for the CMS Exam. However, candidates are required to secure the overall cutoff marks to qualify for the next stage.
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