Best Books for MPSC 2024 Exam Preparation Books

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MPSC Reference Books2024

The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) conducts exams for various government positions in Maharashtra. Here's a compilation of reference books to help you with your preparation for the MPSC Prelims and Mains exams for 2024:


  • General Studies (GS) Paper I & II:
    • NCERT Books (Class VI to XII) - These are a great foundation for building your knowledge on various subjects like History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science and Technology.
    • MPSC Success Mantra by Suhas Kulkarni - This book provides a comprehensive overview of the MPSC syllabus and covers important topics for the Prelims exam.
    • MPSC Rajyaseva: Marathi Samanya Adhyayan by Dr. Sandip Chavhan - This book is specifically designed for the Marathi language paper of the Prelims exam and covers topics related to Maharashtra's history, geography, culture, and polity.
    • Lucent's General Science - A handy reference book for brushing up on your scientific knowledge.
  • CSAT Paper:
    • MPSC CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) by Anand Patil - This book covers the entire CSAT syllabus, including topics like reasoning, comprehension, decision making, and problem-solving.


  • General Studies Paper I to IV:
    • NCERT Books (Class VI to XII) - Continue referring to NCERT books to strengthen your base knowledge.
    • Reference Books for Specific Subjects - You can refer to standard reference books for subjects like History ("India's Ancient Past" by R.S. Sharma, "A Brief History of Modern India" by Spectrum), Geography ("Certificate Physical and Human Geography" by Goh Cheng Leong), Political Science ("Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth), Economics ("Indian Economy" by Ramesh Singh), Science and Technology (Current Science magazines), and Environment ("Environment & Ecology" by Shankar IAS).
  • Essay Paper (Paper VI):
    • Subodh Abhyas Granthmala (Marathi) - This is a collection of essays on various topics that can help you develop your writing skills.
  • General English Paper (Paper VI):
    • Wren and Martin's English Grammar & Composition - A classic reference book for improving your English grammar and writing skills.

Additional Tips:

  • Stay updated on current affairs by reading newspapers like The Hindu or Maharashtra Times, and magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan and Yojana.
  • Solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to get familiar with the exam format and improve your time management skills.
  • Consider enrolling in coaching classes or online courses for additional guidance and support.


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Apart from the Tips of Preparation, aspirants need to understand theSyllabus,Exam pattern of the MPSC exam provided onEaseToLearn. In addition, aspirants can also get a number of mock tests that help them to reach their practice goals.

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