NCHM JEE Exam Pattern: Structure & Marking Scheme for National Council for Hotel Management Joint Entrance Exam

Understand the NCHM JEE Exam Pattern. Learn about the test structure, marking scheme, and question distribution

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EaseToLearn is providing an exclusive interface for your NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (NCHM JEE) 2025. Get the latest updated NCHM JEE mock test series, NCHM JEE previous year question papers,NCHM JEE Question Bank, and NCHM JEE Study material. Sign-up on Easetolearn NCHM JEE Course to get the Latest NCHM JEE Exam Pattern 2025.

Easetolearn will give students all the information regarding the NCHM JEE Exam Pattern2025. It will make it easier for students to understand the pattern of the NCHM JEE exam like the total number of questions, marking scheme, sections of the exam, and duration of the exam.

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The NCHM JEE 2025 Exam generally consists of following five sections:

  • Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude
  • Reasoning and Logical Deduction
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs
  • English Language
  • Aptitude for Service Sector

The NCHM JEE 2025 exam pattern features the following aspects:

  • Mode: Computer Based Test (CBT) / Online
  • Medium: English and Hindi
  • Type of questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's)
  • Duration: 180 minutes (three hours)
  • Total questions: 200

Marking Scheme –

  • 4 marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
  • 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • No marks will be given or deducted for unattempted questions

The NCHM JEE 2025 will feature the following sections and corresponding weights:


No of questions

Weightage (% of total)

Maximum Marks

English Language




Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude




Reasoning and Logical Deduction




General Knowledge and Curr. Aff.




Aptitude for Service Sector








NCHM JEE Exam Pattern 2025 : FAQs

  1. Q: What is the pattern of the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: The NCHM JEE exam pattern typically includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering subjects such as Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, English Language, and Aptitude for Service Sector.
  1. Q: How many questions are there in the NCHM JEE exam, and what is the total duration?
    • A: The number of questions and duration may vary from year to year. However, generally, the NCHM JEE exam consists of around 200 questions, and the total duration is 3 hours.
  1. Q: Is there negative marking in the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: Yes, there is usually negative marking in the NCHM JEE exam. For each incorrect answer, 1 mark is deducted from the total score. However, there is no negative marking for unanswered questions.
  1. Q: What are the subjects covered in the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: The NCHM JEE exam typically covers the following subjects:
      • Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude
      • Reasoning and Logical Deduction
      • General Knowledge and Current Affairs
      • English Language
      • Aptitude for Service Sector
  1. Q: How are the questions distributed among the subjects in the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: The questions are usually distributed evenly among the subjects. However, the exact distribution may vary. Candidates should refer to the official notification or brochure for detailed information on the subject-wise distribution of questions.
  1. Q: What is the mode of the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: The NCHM JEE exam is typically conducted in the computer-based test (CBT) mode, where candidates have to answer the questions on a computer screen.
  1. Q: Can I change my answers during the exam?
    • A: Yes, candidates can review and change their answers during the exam duration. They can navigate between questions and revise their answers before submitting the final responses.
  1. Q: How should I manage my time during the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: Time management is crucial during the NCHM JEE exam. Candidates should allocate sufficient time to each section based on its weightage and difficulty level. It is advisable to attempt easier questions first and then move on to more challenging ones.
  1. Q: Is there a sectional cutoff in the NCHM JEE exam?
    • A: There is usually no sectional cutoff in the NCHM JEE exam. However, candidates are required to secure an overall qualifying score to be eligible for further rounds of the admission process.
  1. Q: How should I prepare for the NCHM JEE exam based on the pattern?
    • A: To prepare for the NCHM JEE exam, candidates should:
      • Familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and syllabus.
      • Practice previous year question papers and mock tests to understand the question format and improve time management skills.
      • Focus on strengthening conceptual understanding in each subject area.
      • Stay updated with current affairs and general knowledge topics through newspapers, magazines, and online resources.

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