Best Books for KSET 2024 Exam Preparation Books
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KSET Exam Reference Books 2024
General Paper 1 (Teaching and Research Aptitude)
- Trueman's KSET General Paper 1
- UGC NET Teaching and Research Aptitude by Arihant Experts
- Training and Research Aptitude by Pearson Publication
Subject-Specific Books
Note: The following recommendations are general and might not cover all subjects. It's essential to check the specific subject requirements for your KSET paper.
- English:
- A Plinth to Paramount by Neetu Singh
- Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
- Common Errors by A.K Singh
- Other Languages: Refer to standard textbooks and grammar books for the respective language.
- Ancient India: R.S. Sharma, D.D. Kosambi
- Medieval India: Satish Chandra
- Modern India: Bipan Chandra, Sumit Sarkar
- World History: Norman Lowe, J.M. Roberts
- Physical Geography: Goh Cheng Leong
- Indian Geography: D.R. Khullar, Majid Hussain
- Economic Geography: R.B. Sundaram, D.C. Srivastava
- Indian Economy: Uma Kapila, Mishra and Puri
- Development Economics: Todaro and Smith, Amartya Sen
- Microeconomics: Hal Varian, Pindyck and Rubinfeld
- Macroeconomics: Mankiw, Dornbusch and Fischer
Political Science
- Indian Politics: M.V. Rao, D.D. Basu
- Comparative Politics: Heywood, Lijphart
- International Relations: Hans Morgenthau, Kenneth Waltz
- Indian Sociology: M.N. Srinivas, A.M. Shah
- Social Theory: Giddens, Ritzer
- Research Methodology: C.R. Kothari
- Indian Philosophy: S. Radhakrishnan, M. Hiriyanna
- Western Philosophy: Bertrand Russell, Plato, Aristotle
- Logic: Irving Copi, Copi and Cohen
- General Psychology: Atkinson and Hilgard, Morgan and King
- Social Psychology: Myers, Tajfel
- Developmental Psychology: David Papalia
- Educational Psychology: Crow and Crow, Skinner
- Philosophy of Education: John Dewey, Paulo Freire
- History of Education: Adam, Kaul
Remember to:
- Check the specific KSET syllabus for your subject.
- Prioritize understanding concepts over rote learning.
- Practice previous year question papers.
- Join a study group or coaching if possible.
Additional Tips:
- Make detailed notes while studying.
- Solve mock tests and sample papers regularly.
- Manage your time effectively during the exam.
By following these guidelines and using the recommended books, you can enhance your preparation for the KSET exam.
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