SSC MTS Syllabus 2024 - Detailed Subject-wise Topics for SSC Multi Tasking Staff Exam

Ace the SSC MTS 2024 exam with a clear understanding of the syllabus. Prepare in General Intelligence, Numerical Aptitude, English, and General Awareness.

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EaseToLearn is providing an exclusive interface for your SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) 2024 EXAMINATION. Get the latest updated SSC MTS mock test series, SSC MTS previous year question papers, SSC MTS Question Bank, and SSC MTS Study material. Sign-up on Easetolearn SSC MTS Course to get the Latest SSC MTS Syllabus 2024 Exam.

Easetolearn will cover and provide you with an updated syllabus of the SSC MTS 2024 EXAM which covers topics-Numerical and Mathematics Ability , Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving, General Awareness and English Language and Comprehension. My Study Room of Easetolearn will provide you with study material on these SSC MTS Exam syllabus topics.

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SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Exam Syllabus 2024

The commission will conduct the SSC MTS 2024 Exam this year using a new exam pattern that only includes the CBE and does not include the Tier-2 Exam. The CBE for the SSC MTS Syllabus has also modified and divided into 2 sessions. For the hiring of Multi-Tasking, the Staff Selection Commission will conduct a competitive examination.

Scheme of SSC MTS Examination

• Session-I & Session-II of SSC MTS exam will be Computer-Based Exam.
• Session - I includes Numerical and Mathematical Ability & Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving.
• Session-II includes General Awareness & English Language and Comprehension.
• SSC MTS Session – I consist of 120 marks while Session-II consist of 150 marks in the Computer-Based Examination.

Paper I of SSC MTS exam includes following subjects:

• Numerical and Mathematical Ability
• Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving

Paper II of SSC MTS exam includes following subjects:

• General Awareness
• English Language and Comprehension

SSC MTS Recruitment Exam Syllabus 2024

SSC MTS Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving Syllabus: The questions in this part intend to measure the candidates" general learning ability. The questions will be broadly based on Alpha-Numeric Series, Coding and Decoding, Analogy, Following Directions, Similarities and Differences, Jumbling, Problem Solving and Analysis, Non-verbal Reasoning based on diagrams, age Calculations, Calendar and Clock, etc.

SSC MTS Numerical and Mathematical Ability Syllabus: It will include questions on problems relating to Integers and Whole Numbers, LCM and HCF, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between numbers, Fundamental Arithmetic Operations and BODMAS, Percentage, Ratio and Proportions, Work and Time, Direct and inverse Proportions, Averages, Simple Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Area and Perimeter of Basic Geometric Figures, Distance and Time, Lines and Angles, Interpretation of simple Graphs and Data, Square and Square roots etc.

SSC MTS General Awareness Syllabus: The broad coverage of the test will be on Social Studies (History, Geography, Art and Culture, Civics, Economics), General Science and Environmental studies up to 10th Standard.

SSC MTS English Language and Comprehension Syllabus:Candidates understanding of the basics of English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. and to test comprehension, a simple paragraph may be given and question based on the paragraph to be asked.

Some Instruction for SSC MTS Computer Based Examination:-

• SSC MTS 2024 exam will be conducted in two Sessions: Session-I and Session-II, on the same day and both the Sessions will be mandatory to be attempted.
• Not attempting any session will disqualify the candidate.
• Session-I of the exam will last 45 minutes. The Session-I will automatically end after 45 minutes.
• Immediately after completion of Session-I,Session-II will start. Session-II will also be for 45 Minutes and immediately on completion of 45 Minutes, Session-II and Computer Based Examination will come to an end.

1. What subjects are covered in the SSC MTS exam?

The SSC MTS exam generally covers subjects like Numerical and Mathematics Ability , Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving, General Awareness and English Language and Comprehension.

2. Is there any negative marking in the SSC MTS exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in session-II of the SSC MTS exam.

3. What is the difficulty level of questions in the SSC MTS exam?

The questions are typically of a level suitable for 10th standard students, focusing on basic concepts and understanding.

4. How is the SSC MTS exam structured?

The SSC MTS exam consists of one paper with two sessions: Session I and Session II is an objective type computer-based exam.

5. What topics are covered under Reasoning Abilityand Problem Solving?

This section includes topics like similarities and differences, spatial visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, and more.

6. What topics are included in the Numerical andMathematical Abilitysection?

Topics include number systems, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationship between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, and averages.

7. What does the English Languageand Comprehension section test?

It tests basic comprehension and writing ability, covering grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, and comprehension.

8. What kind of questions are asked in the General Awareness section?

This section includes questions on current events, history, culture, geography, economic scene, general polity, and scientific research.

9. Is there a specific book or resource recommended for SSC MTS exam preparation?

There are several books and resources available for SSC MTS preparation. Popular ones include books by Arihant, R.S. Aggarwal, and Kiran Prakashan, as well as various online resources and mock tests.

10. How can candidates prepare effectively for the SSC MTS exam?

Candidates can prepare by understanding the syllabus thoroughly, practicing previous year question papers, taking mock tests, and focusing on time management and accuracy.

11. Are there any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern for the current year?

Candidates should check the official SSC notification for any updates or changes in the syllabus or exam pattern for the current year.

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