IBPS PO 2024 Exam Pattern: Marking Scheme & Question Format

Understand the IBPS PO 2024 exam pattern, marking scheme, and question format for effective preparation. Ace the exam!

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EaseToLearn is providing an exclusive interface for your IBPS COMMON RECRUITMENT PROCESS FOR IBPS PROBATIONARY OFFICERS/ MANAGEMENT TRAINEES (CRP PO/MT) 2024 Examination. Get the latest updated IBPS PO mock test, IBPS PO previous year's question papers, IBPS PO Question Bank, and IBPS PO Study material. Sign up on Easetolearn- IBPS PO - Course to get the Latest IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2024.

Easetolearn will give students all the information regarding the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2024. It will make it easier for students to understand the pattern of the IBPS POexam like the total number of questions, marking scheme, sections of the exam, and duration of the exam.

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The IBPS PO exam has three stages: a preliminary exam, a main exam, and a personal interview. The pattern of the IBPS PO exam is listed below.


  • Mode of Examination - IBPS PO Prelims exam will be conducted in online mode.
  • Types of questions - All the questions will be objective type (MCQ).
  • Marks for the correct answer - One mark will be given for the correct answer.
  • Maximum Marks - 100
  • Negative Marking - 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Candidates have to clear sectional and overall cutoff to clear the preliminary examination.


Total no. of Questions

Maximum marks

Exam Duration

English language



20 minutes

Quantitative Aptitude



20 minutes

Reasoning Ability



20 minutes




60 minutes


  • Mode of Examination - IBPS PO Prelims exam will be conducted in online mode
  • Total Questions - 157
  • Maximum Marks - 225
  • Negative Marking - 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer.

Section Name

No.of questions

Max. Marks

Exam Duration

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude



60 Minutes

English Language



40 Minutes

Data Analysis & Interpretation



40 Minutes

General Economy & Banking Awareness



35 Minutes




3 Hours

English Language(Letter writing & Essay)



30 Minutes

The above IBPS PO tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.

Other detailed information regarding the IBPS CRP PO/MT online examination will be given in an Information Brochure, on the IBPS website which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letter.

PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS (Applicable to both – IBPS CRP PO Prelim and Main exam (Online))

There is a penalty for wrong answers marked in both the preliminary examination as well as mains examination. A wrong answer will result in a deduction of one-fourth or 0.25 marks of the overall mark for that question. If a question is left unanswered or blank, there willbe no penalty.


In order to be considered for interview account, each candidate must pass the Online Main Examination with a minimum score and achieve sufficiently high scores. Cut-offs will be developed and candidates will be shortlisted for interviews based on the number of vacancies.

Only marks from the online main examination will be taken into account for the final merit list and for the interview shortlist.


  • Using the equi-percentile method, the corrected scores that each candidate received in the various sessions (if any were held) will be normalized.
  • Calculations will be done using scores up to two decimal places.


IBPS will officially invite candidates who pass the Main Exam for IBPS PO 2024 to the interview process. It is important for candidates to perform well in the interview process because this is the last stage of the IBPS PO Recruitment Process that determines a candidate's final selection.

The total marks allotted for the IBPS PO Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in the interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates). The weightage (ratio) of the Online Main Exam and interview will be 80:20 respectively. The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the Online Main Examination of CRP-PO/MT and Interview.

FAQs related to IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2024

What are the stages of the IBPS PO Exam?

The IBPS PO Exam consists of three stages: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview.

What is the format of the Preliminary Exam?

The Preliminary Exam is an online objective test with three sections: English Language (30 questions), Quantitative Aptitude (35 questions), and Reasoning Ability (35 questions). The total duration is 60 minutes.

What is the format of the Main Exam?

The Main Exam is an online test consisting of both objective and descriptive sections. The objective section includes Reasoning & Computer Aptitude (45 questions, 60 minutes), General/Economy/Banking Awareness (40 questions, 35 minutes), English Language (35 questions, 40 minutes), and Data Analysis & Interpretation (35 questions, 45 minutes). The descriptive section includes essay and letter writing with a duration of 30 minutes.

How many questions are there in the Preliminary Exam?

The Preliminary Exam consists of a total of 100 questions.

How many questions are there in the Main Exam?

The objective section of the Main Exam consists of a total of 155 questions. The descriptive section consists of 2 tasks (essay and letter writing).

What is the total duration of the Preliminary Exam?

The total duration of the Preliminary Exam is 60 minutes.

What is the total duration of the Main Exam?

The total duration of the Main Exam is 3 hours and 30 minutes, including 3 hours for the objective section and 30 minutes for the descriptive section.

Is there a negative marking in the IBPS PO Exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in both Preliminary and Main exams.

Are there sectional cut-offs in the IBPS PO Exam?

Yes, candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each section of both Preliminary and Main exams to be considered for the next stage.

What is the weightage of the Interview in the final selection?

The Interview carries 100 marks. The final merit list is prepared based on the combined scores of the Main Exam (objective and descriptive) and the Interview, with a weightage ratio of 80:20 respectively.

How are the scores normalized in the IBPS PO Exam?

Scores are normalized using the equi-percentile method to adjust for variations in difficulty levels across different shifts and sessions.

What is the language of the IBPS PO Exam?

The exam is bilingual, i.e., it is conducted in both English and Hindi, except for the English Language section, which is in English only.

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