CGPDTM 2024 Syllabus: Detailed Subject-wise Topics for the Exam

Master the comprehensive syllabus of CGPDTM 2024, including General English, General Knowledge, General Aptitude, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

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CGPDTM Syllabus 2023

The CGPDTM Recruitment 2023 exam syllabus consists of two papers: Prelims and Mains. The detailed syllabus for both papers is released in the official notification.

CGPDTM Prelims Syllabus

CGPDTM Prelims exam syllabus comprises of following subjects-

1) General English

2) General Science

3) Verbal and Non- Verbal Reasoning

4) General Knowledge/Current Affairs

5) Quantitative Aptitude

6)IP legislation in India, WIPO and related treaties

CGPDTM Mains Syllabus

CGPDTM Mains Examination consists of two papers – Main Exam Paper I(OMR Based) and Paper II(Descriptive Answer)

-It will be in offline mode and consist of a written examination.

CGPDTM Mains Exam Paper- I Syllabus:

1)English language proficiency

2) Knowledge related to intellectual property rights (IPRs)

3) Elementary Mathematics

4) General Knowledge/Current Affairs

5) General Aptitude

6) Technical/Scientific discipline of the vacancy applied for (see Annexure for syllabus)

CGPDTM Mains Exam Paper- II Syllabus

This will be a descriptive Question Paper for the candidate's chosen Discipline/Subject.

Biotechnology – Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Process Biotechnology, Bioprocess Engineering, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, Characteristics of animal cells, Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Bioinformatics.

Biochemistry - Organization of life, Metabolism and bioenergetics, Biological membranes, Immune system.

Food Technology - Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Products Technology, Food Engineering.

Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary topics

Polymer Science & Technology - Chemistry of high polymers, Polymer Characterization, Synthesis and properties, Polymer blends and composites, Polymer Technology, Polymer rheology, Polymer processing, Polymer testing.

Bio Medical Engineering- Biomedical Instrumentation, Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Physics and Biochemistry, Biomedical Signal Processing, Medical Image Processing, Microprocessor-based Medical Instrumentation, Biomaterials, Biomechanics.

Electronics and Communications Engineering - Materials and Components, Physical Electronics, Electron Devices and ICs, Signals and Systems, Network theory, Electromagnetic Theory, Electronic Measurements and instrumentation, Analog Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronic Circuits, Control Systems, Communication Systems, Microwave Engineering, Computer Engineering.

Electrical Engineering - Circuit Theory, Signals & Systems, E.M. Theory, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Energy Conversion, Power Electronics and Electric Drives, Analog Communication, Control Systems, LTI systems, Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Measurement and Instrumentation, Power Systems, Power System Protection, Digital Communication.

Computer Science and Information Technology- Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Programming and Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Operating System, Databases, Information Systems and Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Web technologies

Physics -Mathematical Methods of Physics, Classical Mechanics ,Electromagnetic Theory ,Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics ,Electronics and Experimental Methods, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics ,Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics ,Electronics and Experimental Methods ,Atomic & Molecular Physics ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Nuclear and Particle Physics

Civil Engineering - Engineering Mechanics, Static Friction. Kinematics and Kinetics, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, Design of Structures: Steel, Concrete and Masonry Structures, Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures, Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow and Hydraulic Machines: Fluid Mechanics, Dimensional Analysis and Similitude, Laminar Flow ,Open channel flow, Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning and Management

Mechanical Engineering- Mechanics, Engineering Materials, Theory of Machines, Manufacturing Science, Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics and Turbine, Heat Transfer, Engines, Steam Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering- Thermodynamics and Rate, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Manufacturing Processes.

Textile Engineering- Textile Fibres, Yarn manufacture and yarn structure & properties, Fabric manufacture and Fabric Structure, Textile Testing, Preparatory Processes, Dyeing, Printing

FAQs about the CGPDTM Syllabus

1. What does the CGPDTM syllabus cover?

The CGPDTM syllabus typically encompasses topics related to patents, designs, trademarks, intellectual property laws, general aptitude, and reasoning.

2. Are there specific sections in the CGPDTM syllabus?

Yes, the CGPDTM syllabus usually consists of sections such as patent laws, trademark laws, design laws, copyright laws, international conventions related to intellectual property, case studies, and sections testing general aptitude.

3. What are the key topics under patent laws in the CGPDTM syllabus?

The patent laws section may include topics like patentability criteria, patent filing procedures, patent examination guidelines, patent infringement, revocation of patents, and case studies related to patents.

4. Which areas are covered under trademark laws in the CGPDTM syllabus?

Trademark laws typically cover topics such as trademark registration procedures, trademark infringement, trademark opposition, international classification of goods and services, and case studies on trademark disputes.

5. What does the design laws section of the CGPDTM syllabus include?

The design laws section covers topics like design registration procedures, criteria for design registration, design infringement, design protection, and case studies related to design disputes.

6. Are there sections on copyright laws in the CGPDTM syllabus?

Yes, the CGPDTM syllabus may include sections on copyright laws covering topics such as copyright registration procedures, copyright infringement, fair use, international copyright conventions, and case studies on copyright disputes.

7. Are there any sections testing general aptitude in the CGPDTM syllabus?

Yes, the CGPDTM syllabus often includes sections testing general aptitude, which may consist of logical reasoning, numerical ability, comprehension, analytical skills, and problem-solving.

8. Where can I find the detailed CGPDTM syllabus?

The detailed syllabus for the CGPDTM exam is often available on the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks. It may also be provided in official notifications or exam information brochures released by the organization.

9. Is the CGPDTM syllabus subject to change?

Syllabi for competitive exams like CGPDTM may undergo periodic updates or revisions based on the evolving nature of laws, regulations, or organizational requirements. Candidates are advised to check for any updates on the official website or official notifications.

10. How should I prepare for the different sections of the CGPDTM syllabus?

Effective preparation involves studying from standard textbooks on intellectual property laws, referring to relevant legal documents, practicing CGPDTM previous years' question papers, taking CGPDTM mock tests, and focusing on strengthening both subject-specific knowledge and general aptitude skills.

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